Sunday, January 31, 2010

Decide 4 Me - LITE update released!

I've released an update to my Decide 4 Me - LITE app today, and coming with it is a complete overhaul to the look and feel of the app.

I've changed it to behave like the full version of Decide 4 Me.  Now instead of the small buttons and limited functionality, there is a lot more built into the LITE version.  There is now a scenario picker view where you can see all of the available options in the LITE version, and some of the included ones in the upcoming full version.  I also added a KENO MODE which can randomly choose up to ten unique numbers for you to play Keno with!

The rest will have to wait for the full version which is nearly completed.  I've got a couple really big surprises in store for it, so keep checking back for updates!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Decide 4 Me is coming along nicely!

I've been working hard at designing the full version of my Decide 4 Me app for the Android platform.  As I am including tons more functionality, it has forced me to do a complete overhaul and redesign of my code, which is a good thing.  Not that my existing code in Decide 4 Me - LITE was bad, it was just too simple to support the features I want to include in the full version.

I'm not going to let the cat out of the bag just yet, but it's going to be a really cool app, one with more features and more advanced than any of the competitor apps out in the market.  This app will literally be able to make any decision for you that you could possibly imagine with the sheer number of decision scenarios it contains.  Since it will be a paid app, albeit very inexpensive, I want to give the user a huge amount of value for their money.

I am so excited about this, I can barely contain it!

In order to get the word out about the full app when it is released, I will also be overhauling the Decide 4 Me - LITE app to have the same functionality, however the number of scenarios will still be limited.  Trust me, this app is going to be worth every penny!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Decide 4 Me - LITE Released!

I've finally published my first Google Android application!

It's called Decide 4 Me - LITE, and it is perfect for those times when you can't decide what to do!  My lite version is supported by ads using AdMob, and the price is free.  The lite version has options for HEADS/TAILS, and A/B/C/D.

I'm releasing a paid ad-free version very soon that will have many more options and new features.  If you have any suggestions for the full version, please feel free to send them my way!  More heads are better than one ;)

I'm an independent developer, so your support means the world to me!!  Check the link below for its listing on  It has screenshots and a QR code to go to the market directly.  I've also included that on this post, so if you're really interested, I've taken the work out of finding it for you :)

Thanks for using it!
